An illustration of a man screen printing on shirt with the text written in front: How to remove screen printing from polyester?

How to Remove Screen Printing from Polyester?

Polyester is a popular textile because of its long lifespan, resistance to wrinkles, and ease of cleaning. Yet, it can be difficult to eliminate screen printing from polyester.

The topic of today’s post is how to safely and efficiently remove screen printing from polyester without causing any damage to the fabric.

This post will teach you how to remove screen printing from polyester, whether you’re a fashionista, a designer, or a regular user of polyester goods.

Best Methods to Remove Screen Print from Polyester!


Method 1: Using a Solvent

An image grid with two picture including rubbing alcohol on the right and acetone on the left representing the query: How to remove screen printing from polyester with acetone or rubbing alcohol?

You can remove screen printing from polyester or other fabrics using a solvent like acetone, rubbing alcohol, or paint thinner. Screen printing can be removed with these solvents, which can be wiped off with a damp cloth or scraped with a plastic scraper.

Materials Needed:

  • Solvent (e.g., acetone, rubbing alcohol, paint thinner)
  • Cotton swabs or soft cloth
  • Plastic scraper


  1. Choose a solvent that won’t harm polyester, like acetone, rubbing alcohol, or paint thinner. You should check the labels to ensure the solvent won’t ruin the material.
  2. First, check a small, hidden part of the clothing to see if the solvent causes any discoloration or damage.
  3. Apply the solvent to a cotton swab or soft cloth, and carefully rub the screen-printed area. The fabric may be damaged by excessive rubbing, so please be gentle.
  4. The ink can be easily removed with a plastic scraper or another dull tool. To keep the ink from smearing, work from the screen printed area’s edges inward.
  5. If the screen printing refuses to come off, apply more solvent and scrape more. You might have to do this a few times to get rid of the ink completely.

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Method 2: Using Heat

An image grid with two picture including a heat gun on the left and iron on the right representing the query: How to remove screen printing from polyester with heat ?

The ink can be loosened from the fabric and removed with the help of heat as well. You may easily remove ink from a screen-printed area by applying heat with an iron or heat gun to loosen the ink so it can be scraped off.

Materials Needed:

  • Iron
  • Clean towel or cloth
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton swabs or soft cloth


  1. Cover the screen printed area with a clean cloth or towel.
  2. Place the iron on the towel and turn it to a low heat setting. Firmly press down and keep the iron in place for a few seconds.
  3. Check if the screen printing has softened or lifted off by raising the iron and the towel. Try it again with the iron set to a higher temperature if it hasn’t already.
  4. Rubbing alcohol may be necessary if the screen printing has yet to soften or peel off. The screen printed area can be cleaned by applying a little rubbing alcohol to a cotton swab or soft cloth and gently wiping it over the ink. The ink should be dissolved by rubbing alcohol, making it easier to clean up.
  5. Gently scrape the ink out using a plastic scraper or another blunt implement. Work from the edge of the screen and print towards the center to keep the ink from spreading.
  6. Screen printing can be erased by repeatedly heating, wiping, or scraping the area. You may need to do this a few times to get all the ink out.

Method 3: Using a Chemical Remover

Three chemical stain removers aligned in the line representing the query: How to remove screen printing from polyester with chemical removers?

You can use several chemical removers to remove screen printing from polyester and other fabrics with . These removers are often sprayed over the screen-printed area, left to sit for a while, and then either wiped off with a damp cloth or scraped off with a plastic scraper.

Materials Needed:

  • Screen printing remover (e.g., Goo Gone, Goof Off)
  • Cotton swabs or soft cloth

Also Read : How to remove Screen printing?


  1. It would help if you used Goo Gone or Goof Off, two safe solvents on polyester, to remove the screen printing. If you want to use a stain remover, check the labels to see if it would harm the fabric.
  2. Screen printing remover should be used according to the product’s directions. Some methods call for covering the area with plastic wrap to prevent the remover from evaporating too quickly.
  3. You can use a cotton swab or a soft cloth to dab the screen printing remover onto the printed area. Avoid getting the remover on any other sections of the clothing.
  4. Screen-printed areas should be treated with the remover for the period recommended on the bottle. The answer to this question is dependent on the product in question.
  5. To remove screen print from polyester, scrape carefully with a plastic scraper or another dull implement. Avoid smudging the screen print by working from the edge inward.
  6. The screen printing must be removed, so keep applying the remover and scraping. You might have to do this a few times to get all the ink off.

Also Read:  7 Most Effective Ways to remove sublimation ink 


General Tips:

  • Before attempting to remove screen print from polyester, test the approach on a small, inconspicuous section of the garment. This is essential in determining whether or not the technique is secure and successful for your clothing.
  • While ironing, scraping, or rubbing, be careful not to rip or damage the screen-printed area. If you apply too much pressure on the fabric, it may tear or pucker.
  • All chemical solvents and removers should be used by their respective safety recommendations. You should only use them in a well-ventilated environment, and you shouldn’t let them get into your eyes or on your skin. Be in mind that some solvents are hazardous and should be stored safely away from open flames or heat sources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can screen printing be removed from cotton fabric?

The answer is yes; you can use a solvent, heat, or a chemical remover to remove screen printing from cotton. For each technique to work, the ink and cloth must be considered.

Q: How to remove screen print from a shirt?

Using a solvent like rubbing alcohol or acetone is a good option for erasing screen printing from a garment. You can use a soft cloth or a plastic scraper to remove the solvent from the screen-printed area. If the ink is stubborn, you can try heating it with an iron or heat gun to make it easier to scrape.

Q: Can dry cleaning remove screen printing from polyester or a garment?

Dry cleaning can remove screen print from polyester or a garment, though this will vary depending on the ink used and the fabric. You should tell your dry cleaner what the stain is made of and what fabric it is on to get the best advice on how to treat it.

Q: What is the best method for removing screen printing from polyester?

Using a solvent like rubbing alcohol, acetone, or paint thinner is one of the most efficient ways to remove screen print from polyester. A soft cloth or plastic scraper can remove the solvent from the screen printed area. But before using the solvent on the entire piece of fabric, it is best to test it on a small, hidden section.


Finally, although it may seem impossible, but its not that difficult to remove screen print from polyester if you take the appropriate steps. Polyester is a fragile fabric, so it’s necessary to select a removal process that won’t cause any harm to it.

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